
2024 02 MINUTES

Minutes Uploaded on April 12, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council
Monday, 19 February 2024
From 7.00 pm at Harby Valley Christian Centre
Present: Cllrs Mike Foulds (Chair) Jonathan Neale, Jo Towle, Jacob Wilkinson
County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove
Borough Councillors Chris Evans, Simon Orson
Clerk: Helen Glaves
Members of the Public: 4
24/015 Public questions and remarks
General remarks: A resident offered their services for hedge trimming in Hose village. Suggestions for other local contractors were also received.
Flooding issues: A resident informed the Parish Council that the drainage balance pond for the new development at Canal Lane, Hose has been full throughout the winter months. Cllr Evans will send a request for a site to the MBC Enforcement Officer.
The Parish Council was also informed that a resident in Long Clawson has cleared the debris around the bridges at The Sands in an effort to reduce the possibility of flooding in that area.
It was noted that a motion at a recent Melton Bourgh Council meeting for the allocation of £50,000 to support those affected by recent flooding was rejected. Cllr Neale asked if there was now a plan in place for addressing the flooding problems in Long Clawson. Cllr Evans advised that there would be a meeting of several agencies, including the LCC Flood Authority and MBC, on 13 March 2024 to discuss mitigation of the flood risk in this area.
The Parish Council was also informed that a business flood recovery grant of £2500 was available as well as up to a 100% reduction in business tax for a maximum of 3 months for those directed impacted by flooding.
Cllr Neale asked about the timeline for flood remediation/mitigation efforts considering how long these issues have already been affecting local residents and businesses. It was reported that LCC is developing a strategy that includes short term (culvert clearing), medium term (installing physical barriers to divert flood water) and long term (construction of ponds for capture and controlled water release) actions to address the flooding in Long Clawson.
Planning matters: A resident asked the Parish Council to comment of its approach to future planning applications for new housing in the area, especially in relation to the inclusion of affordable homes. Cllr Neale explained the planning process and the issues with the financial viability of new housing developments. The Parish Council is working with developers to ensure
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affordable homes are included in future plans for new housing, which includes schemes to support priority purchasing for local residents.
A resident informed the Parish Council that they have submitted a formal complaint to MBC regarding the failure of the Borough Council to make a timely decision on the planning application relating to the siting of a caravan in the field at the East End, Long Clawson. The Parish Council has received a communication from MBC that the final decision on this matter has been delayed due to a personal matter affecting the applicant.
It was noted that the issue of access across the adjoining village green at the East End, Long Clawson was a separate matter that should be addressed by the Parish Council. Cllrs Towle and Draper have made a site visit with the intention of writing to the owners of both plots of land, which was subdivided into two lots as part of a recent (2022) sale of the property.
24/016 Apologies for absence
Cllr Hodges, Cllr, Dunn, Cllr Draper 24/017 Declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensation
Cllr Neale declared a conflict of interest in agenda item 24/025/2 that was accepted by the Chair.
24/018 Borough and County Councillor reports
Cllr Lovegrove reminded the Parish Council that a location for the MVAS in Harby needed to be confirmed. An alternative option might be to install road markings (“dragon’s teeth”) to encourage motorists to reduce their speed when coming into the village.
Cllr Evans advised the meeting that a newly created mobile foodbank would be available to residents at Long Clawson Village Hall. Dates and times will be advertised locally in advance.
24/019 Approval of minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2024 PROPOSED: Cllr Wilkinson SECONDED: Cllr Neale CARRIED
24/020 Clerk and RFO reports to the Council
The Handyperson has raised the issue of the uneven surface under the Harby swing set that needs to be assessed and possibly repaired.
The Clerk confirmed that the payroll function for all Parish Council employees has now been outsourced to TC Group. The administrative aspects have been set up using the PayCircle online tool.
A meeting between a representative for Long Clawson Dairy and the Clerk took place to discuss grounds maintenance issues associated with parish land adjoining the dairy. A plan of action was agreed with regards to several trees. It was also suggested that the Parish Council might partner with Long
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Clawson Dairy on some upcoming environmental initiatives within the local area.
The Clerk reported that the streetlights on Sand Pit Lane, Long Clawson have now been repaired. Both EoN and National Grid are thanked for their efforts to address this issue.
24/021 Matters arising from previous meetings 24/011/4 Flooding in Long Clawson – see 24/015 above
23/098/1 Ongoing issues related to planning application and associated access across the village green at the East End, Long Clawson – see 24/015
24/011/7 Cllr Neale provided an update on the progress with purchasing a software solution for managing the parish council finances, allotments and cemeteries. A comprehensive document evaluating potential solutions, including a recommendation for purchase, has been provided to Council (see item 24/025/7 below).
24/011/8 Cllr Neale reported that an assessment of the available options for a new website provider has been concluded following ongoing issues with the current provider (2Commune). A recommendation for an alternative solution has been made to the Members (see 24/025/8 below)
24/022 Councillors reports None
24/023 Planning applications
24/00080/FULHH Two Storey Side Extension, Single Storey Rear Extension. Demolition and Replacement of Existing Single Storey Entrance with New Porch: No objection
24/00039/FUL Proposed Dwelling adjacent to 3 Waltham Lane, Long Clawson: No objection
24/00013/REM Application for the approval of reserved matters for landscaping with respect to the attenuation pond area and the 5 plots approved in detail on 23 July 2021 (ref 20/01135/REM) – pursuant to the outline consent (ref 19/00859/OUT): No objection
The issue of poor service from MBC Planning Department was raised by the Clerk. It was noted that emails go unanswered that prevent the Members from commenting on planning applications before the end of the standard consultation period. Cllr Evans advised that this had been raised with the Senior Planning Officer at MBC who assured Cllr Evans that any comments received from the Parish Council before the decision date will be taken into account.
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Cllr Neale emphasised the need for the PC comments to be shown on the MBC Planning Portal so that residents are aware that Members have commented on individual applications. This is particularly important where concerns have been raised.
Cllr Lovegrove stated that MBC were effectively not working to their own policies and procedures, which was not acceptable. It was suggested that the Parish Council should lodge a formal complaint with MBC.
PROPOSED: Cllr Neale; SECONDED: Cllr Wilkinson CARRIED
ACTION: Clerk / Cllr Draper (Chair)
24/024 Correspondence received
09/02/2024 Belvoir Challenge: request to use the field at The Leys, Harby.
This is a regular annual event and no objections were raised.
7/02/2024 Invitation to Police and Crime Commissioner Surgery for Parish Councils. Dates need to be confirmed (Note: this event was subsequently cancelled)
3/2/2024 Rev Shouler regarding issue with dyke clearing adjacent to St Remigius church causing flooding. Request for PC to contact landowner.
It was agreed that this is not a matter for the Parish Council and Rev. Shouler / the PCC should contact the landowner concerned.
2/2//2024 Notification of event: organisers of Belvoir Challenge
30/01/2024 Harby resident regarding overgrown hedge adjacent to allotments at Boyers Orchard. A local contractor has been asked to quote for the work necessary to cut back the hedge. ACTION: Clerk
30/01/2024 LCC Notice of Works: Bolton Lane, Hose: road closure from 15/02/2023 for maximum of 3 days.
24/01/2023 Hose resident regarding TPO on trees located at a private residence. Request for PC feedback on this issue. It was agreed that, as the trees are located within the grounds of a private residence, this is not a matter for the Parish Council.
23/01/2024 Alicia Kearns MP: tackling speeding in rural villages.
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24/025 Matters for Discussion and/or Approval
/1 Closure of TSB bank accounts All Parish Council funds will be transferred to Unity Bank and the existing two bank accounts held with the TSB will be closed. PROPOSED: Cllr Wilkinson SECONDED: Cllr: Foulds CARRIED
/2 Annual grant to Harby PCC of £1000 for upkeep of churchyard
Cllr Neale absented himself from this agenda item due to a declared conflict of interest (see 24/017 above).
Cllr Wilkinson questioned the use of public money for this purpose and would like to see documents (receipts etc.) confirming how this money has been used. Cllr Wilkinson suggested that a further discussion was needed before this request could be considered by the Parish Council.
/3 Belvoir Angels: Cllr Towle explained that there are a number of gravestones throughout the Vale of Belvoir that include carvings of angels, which are of specific local and historical interest. There are several gravestones of this type in Long Clawson cemetery that are not well maintained, and the PC has a responsibility for preserving them. It was suggested that an expert on this issue is invited to a future meeting to advise on the best course of action. ACTION: Cllr Towle
/4 Internal audit: continuation of current arrangement with LRALC It was agreed that the Parish Council will continue with the current arrangement with LRALC for the forthcoming audit (AGAR). PROPOSED: Cllr Towle SECONDED: Cllr Foulds CARRIED
/5 Remediation of damaged hedge on Waltham Lane The hedge adjacent to Waltham Lane allotments has been damaged by a recent traffic incident. The allotment holder has offered to remediate the damage but would like confirmation from the Parish Council that this is acceptable. No objections were raised.
/6 Appointment of full-time Parish Clerk / RFO: update on recruitment It was reported that a number of suitable applications for the position of permanent Parish Clerk have been received. Interviews will take place on 29 February 2024 with the aim of having the post filled by 1 April 2024.
/7 Purchase of software solution for management of accounts, allotments and cemetery.
Following a comprehensive evaluation of three potential software solutions, including costs, for managing finances, allotments and cemeteries, the Scribe software solution has been identified as the most suitable and cost effective option for the needs the Parish Council. PROPOSED: Cllr Wilkinson SECONDED: Cllr Foulds CARRIED
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/8 Website: replacement for 2Commune hosted site Following a review of suitable options for replacement of the existing 2Commune service provider for the Parish Council website, it was recommended to the Members that Netwise provided the functionality required by the Parish Council. PROPOSED: Cllr Towle SECONDED: Cllr Wilkinson CARRIED
The members also agreed that the contract with the current service provider (2Commune) should not be renewed and will be terminated. PROPOSED: Cllr Wilkinson SECONDED: Cllr Towle CARRIED
/9 Vale Parishes Group Cllr Wilkinson attended the most recent meeting of the Vale Parishes Group, which is focused on coordinating efforts around issues relevant to parish councils in the Vale of Belvoir, especially those related to public events e.g. festivals, and provision of suitable accommodation for young people (children’s homes) in local villages. The Parish Council should nominate representatives to attend these meetings on a regular basis. It was agreed that both Cllr Wilkinson and Cllr Towle will attend on behalf of CHH PC. PROPOSED: Cllr Neale; SECONDED: Cllr Foulds CARRIED
24/026 Finance a) to approve the following payments: Payee Amount Purpose
HMRC (re: 09/2023)
HMRC (re:10/2023)
HMRC (re: 11/2023)
HMRC (re:12/2023)
Long Clawson Village Hall
Room rental
Salary Total £970.38
24/027 Agenda items for the next meeting
Request from Harby PCC for a grant to cover partial costs of maintaning the churchyard. (see item 24/025/2 above)
Review of village greens within the parish
Standing items to be included:

Flooding in Long Clawson

East End village green, Long Clawson
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24/028 Date of next meeting: 18 March 2024 at Hose Village Hall
Meeting closed at 21:05