
2024 03 MINUTES

Minutes Uploaded on April 12, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council
Monday, 18 March 2024
From 7.00 pm at Hose Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Nichola Draper (Chair) ,Mike Foulds (Deputy Chair) Jonathan Neale, Nigel Hodges, Jacob Wilkinson
County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove
Borough Councillor Chris Evans
Acting Clerk: Cllr Chris Evans
Members of the Public: 4
24/001 Public questions and remarks
General remarks
Flooding issues: The flooding on the Sands is also being addressed and the short-term solution appears to be a cattle grid on Mill Lane to divert any flow down the Lane back to the culvert which thanks to local farmers efforts on the ditches appears to be coping. Cllr B Lovegrove asserted that this should be completed in the next financial year.
Planning matters A member of the public outlined his concerns over the East End planning application which had still not been decided on after nearly eighteen months. The Chair stated that the unapproved vehicle access over the village green was being addressed as this was clearly not for agricultural purposes and quotes were being obtained for a fence / gate to be installed. Three quotes are required. Cllr J Neale understands the frustration but the Council needs to get this correct otherwise the matter will only get worse.
The enforcement officer has recently served notice on a neighbouring premises for the removal of three trees in a Conservation Area.
24/002 Apologies for absence
Cllr Jo Towle is ill. Proposed by Cllr J Wilkinson seconded by Cllr J Niel. Carried
24/003 Declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensation
24/004 Borough and County Councillor reports
Cllr B Lovegrove stated that the government has increased funding for LCC over the next 11 years mainly directed to Public transport and Highways improvements.
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On Speed Cameras all that needs to be resolved is the location on Colston Lane Harby. Cameras can be purchased via a list of approved companies by LCC or can be independently purchased and can be battery or solar powered.
24/005 Approval of minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 15th January 2024 PROPOSED: Cllr Neale SECONDED: Cllr Wilkinson CARRIED
24/006 Clerk and RFO reports to the Council
Quote of £90 to get swings on Sands cleaned, proposed by Cllr J Neale and seconded by Cllr J Wilkinson. Carried. Cllr J Neale to take action on this matter.
The footpath to Nags Head in Harby floods in poor weather near trees. Requirement to establish ownership and check if LCC are responsible or could help. New Clerk to address.
24/007 Matters arising
The purchase of software for the accounts (Scribe) and web site has been completed. Invoice from Netwise needs to be approved later on in the agenda to complete matters so that new web site can go live.
24/008 Councillors reports
24/009 Planning Applications
22/013339/FUL field at East End , Long Clawson
Already discussed , still awaiting decision
24/010 Correspondence received
22/2/2024 D-Day road closures application.
Cllr J Neal stated that there are no plans to do that in Harby at present
22/2/2024 Long Clawson request for funds for flooring
Cllr J Wilkinson has responded basically that there are no funds available
5/3/2024 Street light no 3 on Harby Lane not working.
New clerk to address
24/011 Matters for Discussion and/or Approval
Health and Safety Management System
Deputy Chair has permission to use H and S documents from his company which he will edit to conform to the Parish Council. Should be ready for May meeting.
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Grounds Maintenance contract with Shed due to lapse at end of March. The Council will have to renew on a monthly basis for now. The Council will then need to go out to tender for an annual contract as the contract is worth over 20k per annum and therefore it needs to be a competitive tender process, advertise in press etc.
Parish Council vacancy : member for Hose
Vacancy still for a Councillor in Hose, will re advertise locally.
Vale Parish Group has been formed with Parish Councils from both Leicestershire and Lincolnshire to address issues with events around Belvoir Castle and the use of rental properties for Children’s care which has caused considerable issues both in Redmile and Woolsthorpe.
24/012 Finance Cllr N Hodges highlighted the need for the TSB savings account to be transferred to its current account so that the final transfer to the new Unity account can be completed . Payee Amount Purpose
H. Glaves (Interim Clerk)
Salary Oct 23 – Jan 24
H. Glaves (Interim Clerk)
Salary Feb 2034
Income tax / NIC (staff)
Member audit services
Hedge cutting
H. Woodhouse
Salary February 2024
H. Woodhouse
Back pay/ overtime
Street lighting (January 2024)
Quarterly maintenance charge
Long Clawson Village Hall
Room rental
Website set/hosting
Software purchase/subscription
Metered supply to cemetery
Power supply (January 2024)
Street lighting (February 2024) Total £12,525.70
Finances reviewed. And all agreed
24/013 Agenda items for the next meeting
East End, Flood, VPG update, Hose vacancy, Street lighting upgrade, Allotments, Laptop replacement
24/014 Date of next meeting: Annual Parish meeting on Monday 15 April 2024 at 7pm followed by Parish meeting at 7:30 at Long Clawson Village Hall
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24/014 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC In accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960para 1 (2) and CHH PC Standing Order 3 d the press & public to be temporarily excluded for the duration of the following item:
24/015 Appointment of new parish clerk including confirmation of renumeration and contract of employment.
Meeting closed at 21:05
Chris Evans