
2024 01 MINUTES

Minutes Uploaded on April 12, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council
Monday, 19 February 2024
From 7.00 pm at Harby Valley Christian Centre
Present: Cllrs Mike Foulds (Chair) Jonathan Neale, Jo Towle, Mike Foulds, Mike Dunn
County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove
Borough Councillors Chris Evans, Simon Orson
Clerk: Helen Glaves
Members of the Public: 3
24/001 Public questions and remarks
A resident requested an update on the situation with regards to the flooding in Long Clawson following another occurrence in recent weeks. In particular, the resident was concerned about the continued approval of new developments in the surrounding area that potentially exacerbate the problem. Cllr Evans commented that consultants employed to advise on the drainage aspects of new planning applications were proposing remediation options, some of which are not viable. The resident also highlighted that there are issues with existing drainage provision (see item 24/011/04).
24/002 Apologies for absence
None received 24/003 Declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensation
/1 A declaration of interest and request for dispensation received from Cllr Towle as the owner of a commercial property affected by flooding in Long Clawson. Proposed: Cllr Draper; Seconded: Cllr Hodges. Denied (anonymous vote (2 in favour/ 4 opposed)
/2 Cllr Neale declared an interest in matter relating to reduction of hedge at The Leys car park, Harby. Cllr Neals took no part in this discussion. (see item 24/011/02)
24/004 Borough and County Councillor reports
Cllr Evans (MBC) reported that a meeting will take place on Friday, 19 January 2024 between MBC (Cllrs Evans and Orson), LCC Cllr Lovegrove and Victoria Hulmes (LCC Flood Officer) to discuss options for an action plan to mitigate the flooding issues in Long Clawson.
Cllr Lovegrove LCC commented that the recent flooding was due to unprecedented recent rainfall combined with heavy rain during the autumn. It was reported that the previous flooding issues in Redmile have now been
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resolved, and Cllr Lovegrove was optimistic that a similar positive outcome was possible in Long Clawson.
It was noted that a contributing factor in the recent flooding was actually the bridges adjacent to the culvert. The culvert itself seems to be coping with the volumes of excess water at times of maximum flow. Cllr Neale stated that a proper plan with a clear timeline for addressing the ongoing flooding issues was a priority. Cllr Evans stated that this was the purpose of the forthcoming meeting with the LCC Flood Officer. Cllr Orson reported that MBC is working on confirming the ownership of the culvert.
It was noted that Melton Borough Council installed the trash screen at The Sands and they should be clearing and maintaining it, as is the case with those in other locations.
Cllr Hodges observed that LCC was providing a limited grant to help those worst affected by the recent flooding.
Cllr Lovegrove (LCC) reported that funding and finance is an ongoing concern for Leicestershire County Council, especially as Council Tax increases have been capped by the Government. The ongoing financial pressures have already impacted some services, in particular:

street lighting, which has been dimmed by 30% in an effort to reduce costs.

a review of recycling centres is ongoing with a view to closing 3 facilities across the county and/ or reducing opening hours at others.
24/005 Approval of minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on 4th December 2023 Proposed: Cllr Wilkinson; Seconded: Cllr Hodges Approved
24/006 Clerk and RFO reports to the Council including:
/1 Heather Woodhouse (CHH PC Handyperson) reported that many of the play areas and green spaces are waterlogged and still very muddy. The areas under the swings need pressure washing to remove the mud. Cllr Orson suggested that the parish council should purchase a limited supply of sand bags that can be stored locally in the event of future flooding.
/2 Clerk reported that all parish council financial matters are now being handled by Cllr Hodges in his capacity as interim RFO.
Following a request by the Harby Village Hall Committee, the hedge at The Leys, Harby has been cut. This includes the hedge adjacent to the pavement, which has been significantly reduced to address safety concerns when exiting the car park.
24/007 Matters arising from previous meetings 23/097 Wooden bollard damaged in Mill Lane, Long Clawson: approval of quotation to replace the bollard. Bollard has now been replaced by a local contractor.
24/008 Councillors reports
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Cllr Wilkinson has been contacted by Cllr Pritchett (MBC Borough Councillor for Bottesford) with a proposal to improve collaboration between the various parish councils in the Vale of Belvoir on issues of common concern e.g. planning, youth issues, future events affecting residents. Cllr Towle offered to represent the interests of the PC at future meetings of the proposed group.
24/009 Planning applications
/1 22/00709/FUL Land to the south of Stathern Lane Harby for a proposed erection of one new detached dwelling (information item) appeal approved
/2 23/01040/FULHH: 19 School Lane, Harby: Side and rear extensions, roof conversion, garage replacement and associated external works. No objection
/3 23/01071/TPO 23 Stathern Lane, Harby: T1,T2-Lime trees – Crown lift by up to 5.5 metres. No objection
/4 23/01103/FUL The Swings 4 Colston Lane Harby: Construction of new timber garage. Creation of new brick garden with timber field gate and erection of new greenhouse to the rear of the new garage structure. No objection
/5 23/01059/FUL Whitehouse Farm Colston Lane Harby: barn extension No objection
24/010 Correspondence received
22/12/2023 EMA Future Airspace: Stage 2 information sharing/Q&A sessions: invitation to participate Cllr Hodges will represent CHH PC at this event Action: Cllr Hodges
25/12/2023 Harby resident regarding streetlight at 19 Watson’s Lane, Harby (see agenda item 13a) Cllr Neale will contact the resident and report back to the PC. (see item 24/011/01) Action: Cllr Neale
28/12/2023 Long Clawson resident lodging complaint regarding ongoing and issues with streetlights in Back Lane. (see agenda item 13a) Clerk reported that EoN have been informed but there is a supply issue that needs to be resolved by National Grid.
28/12/2023 LCC notice of road closure on Harby Lane, Stathern that includes a diversion route through Long Clawson.
28/12/2023 LCC: closure of bridleway G46 from the Sand Pit Lane exit point to grid ref 472875, 326255 to allow for necessary works
04/01/2024 Hose resident requesting reduction of tree in the corner of Hose churchyard.
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Situation needs to be evaluated before a decision on action can be taken. Action: Cllr Hodges
24/011 Matters for Discussion and/or Approval
/1 Street lighting issues:
Request to remove streetlight from private house at 19 Watsons Lane See item 24/010 Action: Cllr Neale
Ongoing issues with streetlights at Back Lane, Long Clawson Clerk reported that EoN have sent a request to National Power to investigate an issue with the power supply to these street lights.
/2 Request from Harby Village Hall Committee to reduce / remove hedges at The Leys car park for safety reasons. Clerk reported that hedge has been cut and reduced in some areas. (see item 24/006)
/3 Parish Notice Boards
Replacement of notice board at The Leys car park, Harby Item deferred to a future meeting to receive a proposal for replacement options from the Clerk. Action: Clerk
Decommissioning of noticeboard at Harby primary school It was agreed that the notice board at Harby school will be decommissioned. Approval and a plan for removal of the notice board will be required at a future meeting. Action: Clerk
/4 Flooding issues: Long Clawson It was reported that a new bridge over the dyke has been included in the plans for the Mill Lane development. Cllrs noted that there are legal powers that allow enforcement of culvert clearance where necessary.
This issue was also discussed it items 24/001 and 24/004.
/5 Appointment of full-time Parish Clerk / RFO Recruitment of a permanent parish clerk/RFO is being progressed. Advert for position needs to be circulated as widely as possible. Action: All Cllrs Applications will close on 18 February 2024 and interviews are planned for week commencing 4 March 2024.
/6 Appointment of a parish flood / drainage warden Options for appointment of volunteer flood warden were considered. It was noted that the PC liability insurance does not cover any active intervention by a volunteer flood warden. Role would be limited to providing advice and
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liaising with relevant authorities as necessary. It was noted that training is available for this role.
/7 Purchase of software solution for management of accounts, allotments and cemetery. Cllr Hodges proposed purchase of the Scribe software solution for managing PC finances etc. It was noted that different options would need to be assessed before making a final decision due to the potential cost implications for the parish council. A proposal for a software solution including an assessment of at least three options will be provided to the next meeting. Action: Cllr Hodges / Cllr Neale
/8 Website: replacement for 2Commune hosted site Cllr Neale reported that the Netwise solution was the best option for hosting the parish council website going forward.
24/012 Finance a) to approve the following payments: Payee Amount Purpose
Hose Village Hall
£ 12.00
Room rental
EoN 0121352
£ 825.60
Street lighting
Leicestershire CC (Inv: 100236314)
£ 2,382.00
Tree survey
Shed inv. 27567
£ 4,383.56
Grounds maintenance
Service charge (TSB)
£ 5.65
Bank charges
Jocelyn Dodd
£ 29.03
Litter pick expenses
Melton BC (RoSPA)
£ 256.00
Playground inspection
Npower (IN09357621)
£ 1,441.38
Street lighting
EKM (Si-656)
£ 780.00
Repair of play equipment
H. Woodhouse (Expenses November)
£ 9.45
Handyperson expenses
H.Woodhouse (November salary)
£ 468.00
Handyperson salary
H. Woodhouse (December salary)
£ 468.00
Handyperson salary Total £11060.67
Parish Council accounts were reviewed and available to the public for inspection at the beginning of the meeting. Approval of payments: Proposed: Cllr Neale; Seconded: Cllr Wilkinson Approved
b) to approve Parish Council Precept 2024/25 submission to Melton Borough Council under Local Government Act 1992, S41 (1) Cllr Hodges tabled the Parish Council Precept 2024/25 submission to Melton Council under Local Government Act 1992, S41 (1) for approval. Proposed: Cllr Wilkinson; Seconded: Cllr Neale. Approved
c) to approve change of Nominated Contact for our Bank Accounts to RFO (Cllr Nigel Hodges) It was proposed to make Cllr Hodges (interim RFO) the nominated CHH Parish
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Council contact for all Unity bank accounts. Proposed: Cllr Towle; Seconded: Cllr Foulds Approved
24/013 Agenda items for the next meeting
Belvoir Angels: parisch council responsibiliites Closure of TSB bank accounts
24/014 Date of next meeting: Monday, 19 February at Harby Valley Christian Centre
Meeting closed at 21:25
Helen Glaves
Tel: 01949 843686
Mobile: 07979350348