Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Monday, 16 October 2023 7.00 pm at Long Clawson Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Nicola Draper (Chair), Mike Foulds, Nigel Hodges, Jonathan Neale, Jo Towle County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove (joined meeting at 19:40) Borough Councillor Chris Evans Clerk: Helen Glaves
23/078 Public questions and remarks
Question was received from a resident regarding access to agricultural land adjacent the village green known as the East End, Long Clawson.
Access to the land is across village green. Temporary access for agricultural purposes was granted.
A question was raised about permissive rights that allows ongoing access to the land for agricultural purposes. It was noted that an easement was also provided to residents of the houses around the village green for the purposes of accessing their properties.
It was agreed that the Chair will seek legal advice from LRALC on this issue as it pertains to the village green. It was noted that a parcel of the adjoining field is subject to an ongoing planning application.
23/079 Apologies for absence
Received from Cllrs Jacob Wilkinson, Mike Dunn
23/080 Declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensations None
23/081 Borough and County Councillor reports
Cllr Evans (MBC) reported that the Melton Southern Bypass road scheme is in doubt. Alternative locations for associated housing will need to be found that potentially includes the villages of this parish. This will form part of the review of the local plan.
MBC is seeking enforcement on land use at East End, Long Clawson. A planning application has also been submitted for a parcel of the land.(see item 23/078 above)
Cllr Lovegrove (LCC) (arrived at: 19:40 )
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Flooding in Long Clawson likely caused by problems with a culvert that is partially blocked.
Local land owners will ensure drainage channels on their property are clear to help alleviate the problem.
Quotes for site investigation work will be sought by the Parish Council before a decision can be made about a suitable course of action. ACTION: Clerk
Locations for mobile vehicle activated signs (MVAS) for traffic calming need to be confirmed for each village.
23/082 To approve the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting on 18 September 2023 and Extraordinary Parish Council meeting on 29 September 2023. Minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
23/083 Clerk and Handy Person reports to the Council
Clerk’s report:
Clerk has met with Cllr Hodges (RFO) regarding financial function of the Council. Access to the Unity Bank for RFO account is still pending. Pay roll has been outsourced to TC Group
Tree in Church Lane, Long Clawson has been remediated to address ongoing issues.
Fallen branch in Long Clawson will be removed by a local contractor.
Parish Tree survey will commence on 30 October. A detailed report with actions will be presented to the Parish Council at a future meeting.
Ground maintenance contract is due for review in 2024. Restructuring of the contract to make use of local contractors will form part of the review process.
Long Clawson Cemetery is reaching capacity and options for expansion need to be considered.
Handyperson’s report:
Handyperson (Heather Woodhouse) provided an overview of the role and responsibilities of the job. She also requested that a Councillor from each village accompanies her on a playground inspection to ensure sufficient cover is in place.
23/084 Matters arising from previous meetings a) changes to CHH banking arrangements Clerk has met with Terry Brown (Previous Clerk) and now has access to
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the CHH Parish Council bank account held with the TSB. RFO access to Unity bank account is pending.
23/085 Councillors reports
Hose: wild verges application is in hand and outcome will be reported at a future meeting Keith Neil-Smith has been identified as the tree warden who will support the parish council Groundworks will be undertaken at the disused cemetery including removal of fencing, but the boundary needs to be better defined.
Long Clawson: the village hall has asked to be included in the grass cutting contract. ACTION: Clerk
Harby: trust deed required to move forward with new development has been received from Charities Commission. Contract now being drafted with reasonable associated legal costs being covered by the Harby Village Hall committee. MBC will be asked to advise on the disposal of public land and LRALC will be asked to review the legal agreements on behalf of the Parish Council.
23/086 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings. None
23/087 Planning a) Permanent name assigned to new build at: Canal Farm, Langar Lane, Harby, LE14 4BL NOTED
23/088 Correspondence received Emails: 1/9/2023 Harby resident: Harby Litter Pick 11/11/23 1/10/2023 Long Clawson resident: thanks for remediation of tree in Church Lane, Long Clawson 1/10/2023 Long Clason resident: remediation of tree in Church Lane, Long Clawson. 2/10/2023 Long Clawson resident re: issues with street light timing and/or lights that are broken in Long Clawson (details provided): see item 13 below 10/10/2023 Harby resident: possible use of Leys for parking for a fund- raising event (16 November) AGREED 10/10/2023 Harby resident: remembrance poppies in Harby
23/089 Matters for Discussion and/or Approval
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Terms of reference for subcommittees:
Finance First meeting of the Finance Committee will be scheduled ACTION: Clerk
Planning Deferred for a future meeting
Issues with street lighting in Long Clawson A parish wide assessment of issues with street lighting needs to be carried out. Mapping of all lights where parish has a responsibility need to be properly mapped and physically labelled. ACTION: Clerk
Hedge Pingle Dyke remediation Contractor has been appointed to carry out hedge trimming
Speed monitors (MVAS) Clerk will follow up with LCC regarding location and installation of posts ACTION: Clerk
Village Greens: East End, Long Clawson: legal advice required See item 23/078
Training: LRALC Finance training for RFO Dates to be confirmed with LRALC.
Public privacy statement for CHH PC website Clerk has circulated a draft for publication subject to Parish Council approval CARRIED
CHH website: service provider Cllr Neale will explore options and report back to a future meeting ACTION: Cllr Neale
CHH domain name Clerk will register the appropriate .gov.uk domain name on behalf of the Parish Council ACTION: Clerk
Response to National Highways and Transport (NHT) public satisfaction survey Response will be drafted and submitted ACTION: Chair
to confirm new date for December meeting as Monday, 4 December2023 ACTION: Clerk
23/090 Finance a) to approve the following payments Payee Invoice
Harby Village Hall
Belvoir Tree Services
Npower IN08556541
Shed inv. 26809
£2654.82 Total £5379.56
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The Council approved the payments listed in a). The Chair verified and signed the monthly accounts presented to members and available to the public for inspection during the meeting.
23/091 To receive items for the next agenda
23/092 Date of next meeting: Monday, 20 November 2023 at Harby Valley Christian Centre
The meeting closed at 20:50PM
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
Helen Glaves
Email: clerk@chhparishcouncil.co.uk
Tel: 01949 843686
Mobile: 07979350348