
2023 11 MINUTES

Minutes Uploaded on April 12, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council
Monday 20th November 2023
7.00 pm at Harby Valley Christian Centre
Present: Cllrs Nicola Draper (Chair), Mike Foulds, Jonathan Neale, Nigel Hodges, Jacob Wilkinson
County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove
Borough Councillor Chris Evans
Clerk: Heather Woodhouse
Members of the Public: 3
23/093 Public questions and remarks
Cllr Steve Exwood (Barkestone, Plunger & Redmile Parish Council) Updated the Councillors on concerns with Noisily and Forbidden Forest festivals which take place on Belvoir Estate land and the causes for complaint from the local community, which included high noise levels especially in the villages of Knipton and Woolsthorpe, poor logistics including enforcing parking restrictions, erratic driving, antisocial behavior and drug use.
In addition, the festival organisers were not communicative or helpful and did not deal adequately address complaints. The situation was exacerbated by disappointing lack of support from MBC.
Organizers of Forbidden Forest festival have submitted a licence application for 2024 that includes an extension of the number of days the event is held over. This will mean more campers and therefore less day visitors which equates to less traffic.
Due to the lack of management of the current event, the BPR PC have objected to this extension and requested a review. The Vale PC Group will lodge a further objection when the Forbidden Forest licence application is resubmitted.
Vale PC group met with MBC regarding monitoring of noise levels. Vale PC group is also meeting with SAG to discuss improvements in the event management. Representatives of the group have met with Belvoir Estate, who also have a part to play in ensuring events are run properly. The Vale PC Group aims to have plans in place which will be applicable to any events in the area.
Cllr Exwood also raised the issue of the use of domestic dwellings as Children’s Homes. Several houses in the local area are being used as supervised accommodation for children in care.
23/094 Apologies for absence: Cllr Mike Dunn, Cllr Jo Towle, Cllr Simon Orson (MBC), Helen Glaves (Parish Clerk)
23/095 Declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensation None
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23/096 Borough and County Councillor reports
Cllr Lovegrove (LCC) reported that five household waste and recycling centres are to be closed. Cllr Lovegrove has successfully opposed closure of the Bottesford facility what was included in the planned closures. It will remain open three days a week. There will also be a review of waste and recycling facilities in Melton.
LCC Matters Newsletter been delivered – highlights are preparation for winter (gritting etc). LLC has received central Government funding to provide vouchers for those on benefits that require additional support.
Consultation is ongoing for provision of 100 extra community electric vehicles points.
Melton Bypass: ongoing efforts to secure the additional funding required for the the southern bypass section.
Cllrs Neale and Hodges posed questions relating to the associated Section 106 applications and what would happen to these monies.
Cllr Evans (NBC) reported that central Government were providing funding for the southern bypass but further planning applications will need to be submitted.
Cllr Evans also reported a recent police incident in Plunger that is the subject of an ongoing criminal investigation.
23/096 Approval of minutes from Parish Council meeting held on 16 October 2023
Approved by the Council and signed by the Chair
23/097 Clerk and RFO reports to the Council
matters raised by the Handy Person – concerns related to the safety of the surfacing under the swings on The Pingle, the multiplay area on Pingle Dyke, the bark chip play area at The Leys, Harby. Cllr Neale advised on a contact for further information in relation to the bark chip area and confirmed that it was now the responsibility of the PC. A wooden bollard has been damaged in Mill Lane, Long Clawson and requires repair ACTION: Clerk
status of groundworks – deferred to next meeting.
Cllr Hodges (RFO) reported that he now has full access to the Unity bank account
23/098 Matters arising from previous meetings
/1 ongoing situation with land known as at East End, Long Clawson
Cllr Evans advised that the decision on the related planning application (22/01339/FUL) is imminent. Cllr Evans reiterated that previous permissions for access to this land over the village green has now lapsed. Further proof of agricultural use is required from the owners of the land for continued access across the village green.
The Parish Council agreed to write to the adjoining landowner (who previously had a licence for fixed term agricultural access) to remind them that their licence
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has expired and they should not access their field across the East End Village Green. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr Lovegrove stated that there were many historical issues with this land and emphasized it needs to be resolved for the long term.
Resident answered questions on the current land use and showed photos of the layout and access points on PC land. Cllr Foulds advised the residents that the PC had been working in the background to obtain legal advice regarding actions that can be taken by the PC.
b) investigation of culvert issues in Long Clawson
Cllr Lovegrove advised that a technical survey of the culvert in Long Clawson was done in 2018. He has been working with the relevant farmers to clear the selected ditches and one pathway has now been cleared, which should make a big difference.
Cllr Neale requested confirmation of the location of the partial blockage identified in the previous survey. Cllr Lovegrove advised on the route of the culvert as can be determined by the manhole covers visible in Long Clawson. Cllr Lovegrove advised that quotes could be obtained for further investigations. However, when the ditches are fully cleared by the farmers, it may resolve the issue.
Cllr Neale expressed frustration that this issue has not been resolved over the years. Discussions ensued regarding further video surveys to try to clarify the exact location of the partial blockage and identify the cause of the flooding. Cllr Foulds felt that responsibility is being passed to Parish Council when it is a shared responsibility.
Cllr Lovegrove stated that he would continue communications with the farmer and the PC will obtain quotations for a further survey. The company that completed the previous survey had advised Cllr Evans that there would be difficulties with getting a camera past the sludge that has already built up in the culvert
Cllr Lovegrove advised that he is trying to obtain funds for flood protection from Environment Agency for properties in Redmile and businesses in Long Clawson.
Cllr Evans is now in possession of maps showing the route of the culvert and he will investigate the plans for the developments on The Sands, as these may show further details of the culvert route. Debate continued on the exact course of the culvert and whose land it ran under. Cllr Lovegrove will continue to pursue obtaining new camera survey and endeavour to confirm the exact route of the culvert across Parish and County Council property.
23/099 Councillors reports
Cllr Neale has made contact with Stathern and Colston Bassett PC regarding their website service provider. Both councils are satisfied with their websites, have received good service and prices are similar. Cllr Neale will investigate a third company for further comparison.
ACTION: Cllr Neale
23/100 Reports from representatives on outside bodies and meetings
23/101 Planning
/1 report on workshops with MBC for applications:
i) Grange Farm, Hose (23/00219/REM)
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ii) Waltham Lane, Long Clawson (22/00852/REM
ii) Millway Foods Ltd (23/00569/FUL)
Cllrs have requested further work on varying the materials used in the designs and revisit the situation with affordable housing.
Cllrs requested that the Clerk invite Alicia Kearns (MP) to a future PC meeting to discuss affordable housing issues. 23/100/1 ACTION: Clerk
/2 applications submitted
23/00973/FULHH – 20 Boyers Orchard Harby: single storey rear extension
No objection
/3 planning decision appeal for application to build a single dwelling on land to the south of Stathern Lane, Harby (22/00709/FUL)
Objections previously lodged stand.
23/102 Correspondence received
29/10/2023 Harby resident regarding status of repairs to play equipment
Clerk has responded advising on the expected timeline for reinstatement of the swings
1/11/2023 EoN regarding urgent replacement of lamp post at Stathern Lane, Harby: see minute 23/102/1
5/11/2023 Harby resident regarding closure of public right of way adjacent to houses at Whitakers Farm, Harby
Cllr Lovegrove has provided a response that has been forwarded to the resident by the Clerk
9/11/2023 MBC regarding planning application (22/00852/REM): see minute 23/100/1
10/11/2023 Request for support from the Parish Council for licence application relating to Forbidden Forest 2024 event
13/11/2023 Long Clawson Diary: issue with tree adjacent to dairy
Clerk will meet with dairy to see issue and determine resolution in conjunction with the recent tree inspection report.
13/11/2023 Long Clawson resident requesting permission to plant a tree in Long Clawson cemetery
Due to issues of unmarked graves in the area and other ongoing issues in the cemetery permission not granted. Clerk will inform resident.
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23/102 Matters for Discussion and/ or Approval
/1 Issues with street lighting in Harby: replacement of post 1 in Stathern Lane, Harby at a cost of £1240 + VAT
/2 Speed reduction measures for Hose:
erection of village ‘gates’ Proposal for this scheme was put forward by Cllr Hodges CARRIED
Installation will require approval from LCC.
positioning of MVAS as part of Members Highways Fund grant Cllr Lovegrove advised on type of sign, mobile activated sign. LCC need to be advised on where the posts should be located. The post positions for the MVAS have been accepted by LCC Highways in Long Clawson & Hose. LCC rejected the site on Colston Lane, Harby
/3 Parish tree survey: report and actions Deferred to next meeting
/4 Response to MBC local plan consultation Councillors should review and provide feedback ACTION: All Councillors
/5 To discuss and approve preferred domain name ( for online presence It was agreed that was the preferred option but to also register the other domain names
/6 Confirmation of dates/venues for Parish Council meetings in 2024 Dates and venues confirmed
23/103 Finance
/1 To approve the following payments:
Payee Amount Purpose
Water supply to parish facilities
H. Woodhouse
Salary (October 2023)
H. Woodhouse
Clearance of fall tree branch
Street lighting
Street lighting
S. Price
Reduction of hedgerow at Pingle Dyke
Shed Maintenance
Routine grounds maintenance
Harby Vally Christian Centre
Room rental Total £5286.61
Proposed: Cllr Wilkinson Seconded: Cllr Neale. CARRIED
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/2 Budget working group report The Budget working group met to discuss the planned expenditure for 2024
/3 Proposed 2024 budget and precept
The precept will be increased to £93,500 for 2024/25, This represents an increase of 29.7%. Proposed: Cllr Neale. Seconded: Cllr Draper CARRIED
23/104 Items for next agenda
/1 Tree survey report and actions
23/070 Date of next meeting: Monday, 4 December 2023 at Hose Village Hall
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council