Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Monday 21st August 2023 7.00 pm at HARBY VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTRE
Present: Cllrs Nicola Draper(Chair), Mike Foulds, Jonathan Neale, Jacob Wilkinson, Keith Neill- Smith & Nigel Hodges County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove Borough Councillor Simon Orson Clerk: Terry Brown Members of the Public: 11 23/056 Public Time The meeting received questions from a parishioner regarding the availability of and the waiting list for allotments in Harby.
The meeting received questions from a parishioner regarding the need for action on parking problems in Long Clawson.
23/057 To receive apologies for absence. Parish Cllr Mike Dunn 23/058 To receive declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensations. None 23/059 Borough and County Councillor time Cllr Lovegrove reported to the meeting on funds from Central Government but administered by Leics CC to alleviate problems for houses not on main gas.
Also he reported on developments to the blockage problem with the culvert in Long Clawson and the possibility of action by CHH Parish Council since it involved Parish Council land. 23/060 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the 17th July 2023 These were approved by the meeting and then signed by the Chair
23/061 To receive the Clerk’s report. /1 to report on grass cutting arrangements The Clerk reported that no comments had been received on grass cutting arrangements since the last meeting but that arrangements for hedge cutting would be an imminent problem. /2 to report on tree issues
The Clerk reported that the work at St Reigius had been authorised by Melton BC as emergency works and was now scheduled for immediate completion.
In addition the Clerk reported that aanother tree fall had occurred in the LC Cemetery and that quotes were being received for the clearance work
/3 to report on Cemetery matters The Clerk reported on the many issues facing the administration and maintenance of the Cemetery, in part the result of a long period of inadequate oversight.
The Clerk advised that a new notice board was required.
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The meeting noted that the Cemetery Policy dated from 2009 and agreed to hold a Zoom meeting to review these issues
/4 to report on Play Park matters The Clerk reported that contractors, when called into fix a problem with the swing at the Leys, had found a significant structural and safety problem and that further such problems had been identified but corrected on site with the zip wire.
Councillor Neale criticised the Clerk for taking action without the necessary authority. Councillor Foulds thought the Clerk had acted expediently and correctly.
/5 Parish Council contributions to Village newsletters.
The Clerk reported that the routine of contributions was now established but that feedback from Councillors on the published newsletters would be useful.
In addition: /6 Lights The Clerk reported on the current information for the faults with two lights at Sandpit Lane Long Clawson.
The Clerk reported on three faults found (S/L 1,24,and 27) which he had authorised to be fixed at £1000. Councillor Neale criticised this action as outside of the Clerk’s permitted level of delegated action.
The Clerk further reported on Eon Maintenance recommending renewal of 17 streetliights from old and deteriorated 70w lanterns to new 18w LED lanterns at a cost of £5355.
In view of the received Npower notification of a 50% increase in electricity price effective 1/9/23 the Clerk recommeneded acceptance of the quote but the meeting did not accept this advice.
Cllr Hodges shared the results of a previous tender that received bids for 34 lamps to be upgraded.
23/062 Matters arising from previous meetings /1 changes to CHH banking arrangements Cllrs Draper, Foulds and Neale reported that they now had full view and authorisation to the Unity accounts.
The Clerk requested that more Councillors submit their details to be added to the mandate at the September meeting. Cllrs Hodges and Neill-Smith will sign.
The Clerk advised that the TSB be finally closed at the end of September once the second half Melton BC precept had been received.
23/063 To receive Councillors reports Cllr Hodges provided an update on the successful deployment to full fibre broadband to Hose, Mt Pleasant and Waltham Lane/Langer Lane/Colston Lane areas of Harby to receive services at 1Gbps.
23/064 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings None
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23/065 Planning /1 23/00619/FULHH – The Paddocks Mount Lane Hose
New-build detached garage. No comment
/2 23/00569/FUL Millway Foods Ltd Colston Lane Harby
Erection of 53 dwellings (Class C3), associated infrastructure and open space
An extensive reply was tabled and accepted without comment. An amended copy was to be provided to the Clerk (see attached)
/3 23/00499/FUL-19 Langar Lane Harby Erection of 2 storey dwelling (1 x 4 bed) and detached garage. CHH Parish Council object – CHH NP H3 Limits to Development and Env2 Protection of Other Sites of Environmental Significance
/4 23/00638/CL Woodland View Sand Pit Lane Long Clawson
Continued use of two caravans on site as residential
CHH Parish Council object -– CHH NP H3 Limits to Development and Env2 Protection of Other Sites of Environmental Significance
/5 23/00681/FUL – Long Clawson Dairy Ltd Hickling Lane Long Clawson New dry packaging store to be installed within existing goods marshalling yard No comment
/6 to agree dates and representation for a workshop meeting with the Planning Officer and the Developer/Applicant re 23/00219/REM – Grange Farm, Hose and RE: 22/00852/REM – Waltham Lane, Long Clawson The meeting agreed to offer the date of 6th September to Melton BC to discuss both applications. action Clerk
23/066 Correspondence received Emails: 20/7/2023 Richard Barnes re ashes internment Joyce Doubleday 26/7/2023 Leics CC re Ash Dieback allotment land Melton Road LC 27/7/2023 Leics CC re Temporary restriction Melton Road LC 7th August for 75 days 31/7/2023 Rob Hardingham re Trees survey 1/8/2023 Jacob Wilkinson re Local Govt Boundary Review 3/82023 LRALC re Councillor Training 3/8/2023 Liz Sharkey re proposed Woodland creation if Hose 6/8/2023 Christine Toalster re disturbed grave at LC Cemetery 9/8/2023 Chris Turner re HGV traffic not following signed diversion 14/8/2023 Leics CC re Temporary restriction Pasture Lane Hose 5days from October 9th Noted.
23/067 Matters for Discussion /1 to discuss the recruitment of a new Clerk The Clerk outlined some of the issues that would be relevant and then proposed a course of action which was not accepted by the meeting.
/2 to consider CHH policies – Grievance and Discipline, Health and Safety The two policies were approved. Page 78
/3 to consider the draft minutes from new Harby Village Hall WG meeting 10.8.23 (Cllr Neale)
/4 to discuss the idea of a tree planting and improved biodiversity committee (Cllr Neill-Smith) The meeting agreed that the proposal was sound and that all should provide a list of sites within the Parish for further action. action All
/5 to consider longstanding parking concerns at the Sands in Long Clawson (Cllr Dunn) Deferred to the September 2023 meeting.
/6 to consider the LRALC councillor training schedule Cllr Hodges expressed interest in the Village Green course on 4th September. The Clerk to request details. /7 to confirm the position of posts for the MVAS
The position of posts was confirmed but with some further information to be provided by Councillor Foulds. action Clerk & Cllr Foulds
/8 to consider a quote for a Tree survey
The meeting accepted a quote of £1985. action Clerk
23/068 Finance /1 A list of payments for August 2023 is attached to these Minutes
/2 It was agreed that at 13/8/23 a true record of the Council’s financial position:
TSB Current account £4800.19
TSB Deposit account £57594.82
Unity Current account £500 Unity Deposit account £500
/3 Reserves at 13/8/23
Defibrillators £2995.97
/4 Parish Council operating funds £60399.04
23/069 To receive items for the next agenda /1 to consider a proposal to tackle longstanding parking concerns at the Sands in Long Clawson. /2 to confirm Tree Warden arrangements
23/070 Date of next meeting: Monday 18th September 2023
The meeting closed at 21.15pm
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
2023 Meeting dates: The third Monday of the month at 7.00pm: therefore
October 16th Long Clawson November 20th Harby December 18th Hose Page 79
August 2023 payments
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24/7 Tree Services re LC4528/07/23425.00Bank charges 01/08/237.10T Brown July Clerk expenses4612/08/2364.40Shed inv 265544712/08/233066.84N Power inv 79231004812/08/23612.54EKM re Leys swings etc4912/08/23828.00Moore 2023 audit5012/08/23378.00T Brown August 23 salary5112/08/231074.05H Woodhouse August 23 salary5212/08/23468.00H Woodhouse July expenses5312/08/2331.15HMRC August paye5412/08/23385.40
/2 23/00569/FUL Millway Foods Ltd Colston Lane Harby
Erection of 53 dwellings (Class C3), associated infrastructure and open space
CHH Parish Council object –
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