
2023 07 MINUTES

Minutes Uploaded on April 12, 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Monday 17th July 2023 7.00 pm at Long Clawson Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Nicola Draper(Chair), Mike Foulds, Jonathan Neale, Jacob Wilkinson & Mike Dunn County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove Clerk: Terry Brown Members of the Public: 11 23/040 Public Time A parishioner criticized the grass cutting arrangement in The Orchard Harby. In response several Councillors commented that the current contract was possibly demonstrating the need for some modification when it was put out to tender again in early 2024.
The meeting received a presentation that outlined a proposal to build a Retirement facility at the former Electro Motion Site, Canal Lane in Hose.
Councillors responded by asking questions concerning aspects such as the pattern of ownership of properties, the impact of the development on local facilities, traffic and employment.
Also the presenters were questioned about their experience in such developments. Page 67
A parishioner commented on the history of problems experienced of falling branches from a large tree at St Regimius. This same tree had most recently lost a sizeable limb in light winds in this month of July.
The parishioner further commented that regular tree inspections no longer seemed to be made and the Clerk agreed that this seemed to be the case in general around all of the Parish Council trees from 2019 onwards.
The Parishioner emphasised that his insurance company had stated that they would seek damages from the Parish Council consequent to any claim on the basis of the Parish Council not having demonstrated sufficient diligence with respect to safety of neighbouring properties.
This was then considered as item 23/046/2. The meeting received questions from a parishioner regarding the availability of and the waiting list for allotments in Harby. 23/041 To receive apologies for absence. Parish Cllrs Jo Towle & Nigel Hodges Borough Councillor Chris Evans 23/042 To receive declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensations. None 23/043 To consider applications for the Parish Councillor vacancy Keith Neill-Smith offered himself for the vacancy and outlined his background that would support his role as a Parish Councillor.
The Chair moved a resolution that his application be accepted. This was seconded and then unanimously agreed.
Keith Neill-Smith signed for acceptance of the post and then immediately joined the Council. 23/044 Borough and County Councillor time Cllr Lovegrove updated the meeting on the problems caused by changes in the pattern of use at the Bottesford waste site . Perhaps Leics CC being short of funds and looking to reduce services, saw Bottesford’s peripheral position in the county as being a valid reason to question its viability and continuation. Leics County Council had recently received central government funds to support local bus routes.
But he could not provide any further updates on the proposed and promised mobile VAS. 23/045 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the 19th June 2023 These were approved by the meeting and then signed by the Chair
23/046 To receive the Clerk’s report. /1 to report on grass cutting arrangements In the light of discussions in Public Time it was ageed that the current regime would need to be reviewed and probably changed in time for the new contract to commence April 2024. To be discussed at a future meeting. /2 to report on tree issues /1 Following the discussion in Public Time the Clerk was instructed to seek an immediate opinion from the Leics CC arborculturalist and from that then take appropriate action which would at least involve reducing the three remaining leaders by two thirds.
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/2 The Clerk was instructed to respond to a parishioner’s complaint about trees on The Sands such that the Parish Council, acting on advice, did not support the complaint and would not take any action. action Clerk
/3 See 23/049/2
/3 to report on Cemetery matters The Clerk reported on meetings at Long Clawson Cemetery with parishioners annoyed that grass cutting operations had repeatedly damaged their plastic flower vases.
The Clerk had attempted to resolve the issue by sugesting a more appropriate placement that would avoid damage by the grass cutting strimmers.
The meeting noted the Clerk’s suggestion for a notice board at the Cemetery. /4 to report on Play Park matters The Clerk reported two issues with equipment at the Leys.
Cllr Neale introduced a document that summarised the level of action required on individual items as indicated by the latest annual Rospa report. He suggested that immediately there was no major outstanding problem but all agreed that this should not prevent the development of a longer view and strategy to cope with the replacement of existing equipment. /5 the use of the Leys for a community market Councillors agreed to a request for the use of the Leys for a quarterly Saturday Community market subject to the organisers making suitable provision for the safegarding of Play equipment and agreeing not to make use if weather conditions would cause damage to the grass surface.
action Clerk /6 Parish Council reports The Clerk reported on initial submissions made to the Hose Piper and Harby Journal and as the start of a regular Parish Council contribution to all three Parish newsletters.
23/047 Matters arising from previous meetings /1 changes to CHH banking arrangements At the time of the meeting the Clerk had not received any further news of the progress of application. /2 the appointment of Trustees to Chester Charity Cllrs Draper and Neale were appointed as Trustees to the Chester Charity. action Clerk
23/048 To receive Councillors reports None
23/049 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings /1 PC Village Hall Representatives None /2 Tree Wardens Cllr Neill-Smith, as Hose Tree Warden, advised that a parishioner should seek clarification of boundaries from the Land Registry to establish if the problem tree was part of any Parish Council land.
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23/050 Planning /1 22/01028/GDOCOU Plot 154 Harby Lane Hose Consultation letter No objection
/2 23/00539/LBC – West End House 22 West End Long Clawson Proposed Rear Extensions and internal alterations including the addition a new rooflights No objection
In addition /3 23/00587/FUL – The Farm 25 Bolton Lane Hose Excavation of two wildlife ponds on agricultural land to provide new pond habitat for great crested newts No objection
/4 23/00581/FULHH – Windyridge 19 School Lane Harby Side and rear extensions, roof conversion, garage replacement and associated external works No objection
/5 23/00540/FULHH Homefield Brunts Farm 1A East End Long Clawson Single storey extension at rear; first floor extension at side including Juliet balcony; bay window to front; and alterations to dwelling house No objection
/6 23/00537/FUL Hillview Hose Lane Long Clawson Demolish and rebuild of existing single storey dwelling, to create 2 storey dwelling on the same footprint. No objection
23/051 Correspondence received Emails: 18/6/2023 Sharon Moxham re Long Clawson Cemetery See 23/046/3 20/6/2023 Brian Hilley re Proposed New Harby Village Hall – Leys Area 21/6/2023 Harby signage for cycle route 22/6/2023 Helen Cheetham re HGVs 26/6/2023 Andrew Short re Community Orchard Stathern Lane Harby See Public Time 26/6/2023 Severn Trent re upcoming work to replace the water pipe in Long Clawson The meeting noted the Public meeting to publicise details of this work to be held at Long Clawson Village Hall on 1st August. (see attached) 27/6/2023 Sally Roberts re Question around tree ownership and responsibility in Hose See 23/049/2 29/6/2023 Formalisation of addresses: Street naming and numbering Site at: Field OS 6260, Canal Lane, Hose Page 70
3/7/2023 Leics CC re Temporary Restriction Melton Road Long Clawson
Lodge Farm down to the Clawson Road Ab Kettleby junction on 17th July 2023 for 5 days. 3/7/2023 Jonathan Weekes re Former Electro Motion Site, Canal Lane, Hose See Public Time 3/7/2023 Robert Lamb re Sycamore Trees St Remigius Church Long Clawson Referred to in Public Time and at 23/046/2 5/7/2023 Rosie Ford re Harby swings Noted.
23/052 Matters for Discussion /1 to discuss grass cutting arrangements The meeting noted the Clerk’s suggestion on a change to future staffing that would allow more scope to deal with areas that were becoming recognised as problematic with the current arrangements.
/2 to consider CHH policies- Reserves, Standing Orders and Risk Management The draft policies were agreed.
In the light of previous discussions in the meeting on tree related issues it was agreed that Trees should be added as a High Level Risk to the Risk Management Policy and that the Council would revert to previous practices of commissioning regular tree reports. action Clerk /3 to consider a committee to discuss a proposed new Harby Village Hall.
The Clerk outlined the differences between a committee and a working group emphasising that a working agroup allowed for participation by non Parish Councillors who in turn represented an important potential source of future parish councillors.
Further the Clerk emphaised the need for full transparency in the conduct of the group.
The Terms of Reference were agreed (see attached) and Cllrs Foulds, Neale and Wilkinson agreed to join the Committee with Cllr Neale to act as Chair. The first meeting will be held 10th August with the Clerk to publish an agenda and a venue in Harby. action Clerk
/4 to consider a committee to review all five Parish Council Village Greens. Deferred to a future meeting.
/5 to consider longstanding parking concerns at the Sands in Long Clawson. Cllr Dunn commented on the long standing issues around traffic congestion in the area of the Sands and that a solution was possible with a change to parking arrangements.
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The meeting asked him to bring details of his proposal to the next meeting for discussion. action Cllr Dunn
/6 to review Cemetery fees The Clerk reported that Cemetery fees had not been reviewed for some time, a point noted by the Internal Auditor at the latest AGAR. The meeting agreed to the Clerk’s recommendation that all fees be increased by 50%. action Clerk The Clerk showed details of the organisation of Cemetery records in another parish and the meeting agreed it to be an item for discussion in a future meeting.
23/053 Finance /1 A list of payments for July 2023 is attached to these Minutes
/2 It was agreed that at 8/7/23 a true record of the Council’s financial position:
TSB Current account £1597.37
TSB Deposit account £82480.28
/3 Reserves at 8/7/23
Defibrillators £8505.97
/4 Parish Council operating funds £75571.68
23/054 To receive items for the next agenda /1 to consider a proposal to tackle longstanding parking concerns at the Sands in Long Clawson. /2 to confirm Tree Warden arrangements
23/055 Date of next meeting: Monday 21st August 2023 HARBY VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTRE
The meeting closed at 21.20 pm
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
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2023 Meeting dates: The third Monday of the month at 7.00pm: therefore
August 21st Harby September18th Hose October 16th Long Clawson November 20th Harby December 18th Hose
July 2023 payments
H Woodhouse re July 23 salary
re July 23 salary
T Brown re July 23 salary
re July 23 salary
H Woodhouse re June expenses
re June expenses
T Brown re June Clerk expenses
re June Clerk expenses
nPower re inv 07621400
re inv 07621400
Gallagher re annual insurance
re annual insurance
T Brown re toner
re printer toner
Heartbeat re donation 9995
re donation 9995
Hunt& Swain re inv 73546
re inv 73546
Shed re grass inv26303
re grass inv 26303
HMRC July 23
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Terms of Reference – CHH Parish Council Working Group to advise on a new Harby Village Hall
Members of the Working Group will be appointed by the Parish Council and will consist of a minimum of 3 Parish Councillors.
Co-option. The Working Group can co-opt members of the public who have specific knowledge / expertise on the subject to assist the Working Group.
The Term of Membership for the Working Group will be for a period of one year or to the next Annual Meeting of the Full Council .
Leader – A Parish Councillor will be appointed Leader for the Working Party by the Parish Council. The Leader will be the main point of contact for the Clerk to Council, Councillors and members of the public.
Powers Working Groups cannot make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council and any recommendations made by Working Party will be subject to approval by the Full Council.
Meetings. The working group will arrange its own meetings and schedule of work at its inaugural meeting. The leader of the working group, if unable to attend a meeting of the Full Council, will nominate another member of the working party to attend and deliver a progress report.
Transparency -The Working Party will hold public meetings for which an agenda will be published on the Parish Council website at least three days in advance.
Minutes. Short minutes of the meeting will be prepared for each meeting and submitted to the next full Parish Council meeting.
Quorum – The quorum of a meeting shall be 3 members of which at least two must be Parish Councillors.
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