Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Monday 20th March 2023 7.00 pm at Hose Baptist Church Hall
Present: Cllrs Helen Cheetham (Chair), Michael Dunn, Jen McCulloch, Anne Dames & Sharon Simpkin Clerk: Terry Brown Members of the Public: 1 22/116 Public Time Hamish Forbes reminded the Parish Council of the idea raised last Autumn for a voluntary group to be organised to tackle jobs in the Long Clawson cemetery this Spring and whether any progress might now be made for such. It was generally agreed that such initiatives now attracted few participants but Councillors would promote the idea within local Social Media sites to see if a better response could be found.
22/117 To receive Apologies for absence Parish Cllr Jon Heald, County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove Borough Councillor Chris Evans gave his apologies in anticipation of delay at other meetings that evening.
22/118 To receive declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensations None.
22/119 To receive reports form Borough and County Councillors None
22/120 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the 20th February 2023
The draft Minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair of the meeting.
22/121 To receive the Clerk’s report /1 Street Lights a) Hose S/L 15 o/s 9 The Green The meeting confirmed the purchase of a replacement 18watt LED lantern cost £350 +VAT Action Clerk b) S/L 39 Watson’s Lane footpath Harby – replacement of the lantern The Clerk was asked to write to the owners of the property affected informing them of the Parish Council’s view that the replacement and repair of the current lantern in situ was essential for reasons of public safety and then to report back to the next meeting with any response received. Action Clerk c) Lamp 46 Dickmans Lane Harby The Clerk was asked to first check that this is a CHH asset. Action Clerk d) Sandpit Lane Long Clawson A query had been received about the presence of electricity supply. The Clerk was asked by Cllr Dunn to confirm the status of three lights on Back Lane between the Village Hall and Sandpit Lane and report back for action at the next meeting. Action Clerk
22/122 To consider matters arising from previous meetings /1 to receive an update on the to repair the fence and bin around the Pingle The Clerk reported that the fence had been repaired and the cost to the Council reimbursed.The Council decided to monitor the need for any extra bin to be placed in the area. Page 48
/2 to consider arrangements for the May 2023 Local Elections Councillors reviewed arrangements for the completion of nomination papers by April 4th latest. It was agreed that there was an immediate need to identify potential new Councillors to stand and all local publicity facilities would be used to communicate this need. Action all
22/123 To receive Councillors reports /1 to consider concerns re the car park barrier to the Leys car park (Cllr Dames) Councillors reviewed the current situation and then identified specific groups to whom the Clerk should write requesting their cooperation in routinely closing the barrier. Action C|erk /2 to discuss footpath problems at the corner of Stathern Lane and Main Street (Cllr Dames) Cllr Dames is to forward the letter of concern from the parishioner to the Clerk who will then report it to Leics CC In addition: /3 Cllr Dunn complained about repeated problems in School Lane caused by parking at the School. The Clerk was asked to write to the School. Action Clerk /4 Cllr Dunn raised concerns about traffic congestion and safety in the vicinity of the Sands. The Clerk was asked to write to see if the local PCSO would attend a future meeting to hear and discuss this issue. Action Clerk
22/124 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings /1 PC Village Hall Representatives Cllr Cheetham reported on a recent meeting of Hose Village Hall and the concerns raised as a consequence of a limited number of Trustees. /2 Tree Wardens No report but the meeting noted the visit by Lucie Hoelmer of Leics CC at the April Annual Parish Meeting to give a short 15-minute presentation about the Tree Warden initiative led by the Tree Council and championed by Leicestershire County Council.
22/125 Planning /1 23/00183/FULHH – Hawthorne Cottage, 5 School Lane, Harby Proposed rear extension No objection /2 23/00175/FULHH – 11 Main Street, Harby Dropped kerb – estimated width of 3 to 4m would be dropped No objection /3 23/00157/GDOCOU – Agricultural Building South Of Whitehouse Farm, Colston Lane, Harby Prior Approval (Class Q) of Proposed Change of Use of an Agricultural Building to a Dwellinghouse No objection
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/4 to review the meeting 9/3/23 re Planning application 22/00852/REM Reserved Matters (appearance, layout and scale) 16/00560/OUT for the erection of 45 dwellings – 1 Waltham Lane, Long Clawson Cllr Cheetham reported on the outcome of the meeting which she considered to have been a positive event. It might lead to the possibility of some minor changes that the Parish Council would wish to see happen with this development.
In addition: /5 Notification of Forthcoming Planning Committee Meeting on 30.3.23- 22/00006/VAC Removal of Condition 4 (provision of on-site affordable housing requirement) of planning permission 19/00859/OUT – Field OS 6260 Canal Lane Hose Cllr Cheetham confirmed her intention to attend and speak at the meeting. 22/126 Correspondence received Emails: 3/3/2023 MBC re Melton Community Support and information Day Noted 15/3/2023 Hamish Forbes re spring clear up of Long Clawson cemetery See 22/127/5
22/127 To consider matters for discussion and resolution /1 to discuss actions required from the latest Playground Inspection The meeting reviewed the results of the latest quarterly playground inspection (13.1.23) and the latest inspection report from the Parish Council Handyman. In particular the Clerk was asked to progress quotes for the Basket Swing item at the Leys Area Harby. Action Clerk It was agreed that there was a need for a more systematic schedule of planned replacements to individual items of equipment which would then inform future budgets. This should be an item for discussion at a future meeting. The Clerk was also asked to confirm the current arrangements for quarterly and annual Inspections. Action Clerk /2 to consider quotes received for the 2023/24 Grounds Maintenance Contract Councillors considered the three responses received to the 2023 -24 Ground Maintenance Contract and voted unanimously to award it to Shed Grounds Maintenance Ltd. The Clerk is to inform appropriately all three contacts. Action Clerk /3 to consider changes to the Parish Council website The meeting noted the Clerk’s comments about the changes that should be introduced immediately in the light of the impending Internal Audit and the end of year AGAR. Action Clerk /4 to discuss arrangements for the recruitment of a new Handyperson Following the resignation of the current employee the meeting reviewed the current arrangements and discussed changes that might be introduced. Some Councillors would meet via Zoom to draft a revised list of requirements to be tabled for the April meeting. Action Cllrs Cheetham, Simpkin & the Clerk Page 50
In parallel with this Councillors and the Clerk would advertise as widely as possible notice of the vacancy so that the post could be filled as quickly as possible. Action all /5 to discuss a possible a Spring clear-up in the Long Clawson cemetery. See 22/116 Public Time /6 to consider revisions to some 2023 meeting dates It was agreed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would be moved from 17th May to the 10th May. In addition: /7 The meeting agreed for the immediate purchase of an additional waste bin for installation on Bolton Lane Hose. Cllr Cheetham is to provide the Clerk with details of the required purchase. Action Cllr Cheetham & Clerk
22/128 Finance /1 A list of payments for March 2023 was approved and is attached to these Minutes.
/2 It was agreed that at 28.2.23 a true record of the Council’s financial position:
TSB Current account £17301.80
TSB Deposit account £51326.20
CCwK £387.36 Defibrillators £8505.97 Big Lottery £284.00
Parish Council operating funds £59524.42
In addition:
/3 The Clerk tabled a provisional report on the end of year figures against budget and Councillors noted this with regard to the scope for changes to the contract for the appointment of a new Handyperson. Also Councillors noted the Clerk’s comments about the current inclusion of a large unallocated Contingency item and the consequent need to review a Parish Council Reserves strategy and Policy.
22/129 To receive items for the next meeting. None 22/130 Date of next meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30pm to be followed by a meeting of the Parish Council MONDAY 17TH APRIL 2023 in Long Clawson Village Hall Lounge.
The meeting closed at 21.35 pm
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
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TSB Bank plc £7.80 Bank charges NEST £105.27 Pension contribution HMRC £1128.55 Tax & NI Mr A Najdowski £1058.91 Wages & expenses Mrs E Crowther £807.50 Consultant interim clerk Claire Buckle £550.90 Backpay Helen Glaves £125.40 Backpay Valley Christian Centre Hall £28.13 Room hire 20.2.23 ICO £35.00 Data protection renewal Eon £302.56 Outstanding invoices Eon £842.40 inv 117112 2Commune £846.00 annual website contract Eon £420.00 re 26 Church Close Waterplus £7.74 Water bill LC cemetery Richard Scarborough £500.00 Pingles fencing LRALC £40.00 Training £6806.16
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