Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Wednesday 10th May 2023 7.00 pm at Harby Valley Christian Centre
Present: Cllrs Helen Cheetham, Nicola Draper, Mike Foulds, Jonathan Neale, Jo Towle, Nigel Hodges County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove Clerk: Terry Brown Members of the Public: 5 23/001 To elect the Chair of the Parish Council Nicola Draper was proposed and seconded to be the Chair of the Parish Council
23/002 To receive the Chair’s acceptance of office Cllr Draper accepted the nomination and signed the acceptance of office
23/003 To elect the Vice-Chair of the Parish Council Mike Foulds was proposed and seconded to be the Vice Chair of the Parish Council
23/004 To receive the Vice-Chair’s acceptance of office Cllr Foulds accepted the nomination and signed the acceptance of office
23/005 To receive remaining acceptances of office Cllrs Neale, Towle and Hodges signed the acceptance of office
23/006 To note the CHH code of Conduct All Councillors noted the current CHH Code of Conduct The Clerk reminded the Council that CHH Code of Conduct was subject to review this year.
23/007 To receive members’ declarations of interest None
23/008 To receive apologies for absence Borough Councillor Chris Evans
23/009 To consider any requests for dispensations None
23/010 To consider applications for the Vacancy of Parish Councillor Four candidates offered themselves for the two vacancies and gave brief introductions of themselves.
The candidates then withdrew and after discussion candidates were ranked in preference. The Clerk totalled preferences and informed the Chair of the result.
The Chair thanked all candidates for their interest and then invited Mike Dunn and Jacob Wilkinson to join the Council.
Cllrs Dunn and Wilkinson signed for acceptance of office.
All Councillors completed their Register of Interests
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23/011Public Time Andrea Leonard asked the Parish Council for support of an exercise class on The Leys.
“The reasons for running the classes are to bring exercise into the villages. Harby is a great place to live, but it is a 12 mile round trip to go to a class at a leisure centre. By providing exercise classes in the villages, hopefully people will be inclined attend as it is on their doorstep and without travel time it helps for people to fit activity in to a busy schedule. At the moment I run a 40 min work out at 6.30 am on a Friday morning which focuses on strength, cardiovascular fitness as well as balance and core strength. I am running it early to enable people who work to exercise before work or other commitments and so far, the classes have been popular. I am also looking to run a beginner class on a Monday evening, followed by another more advanced class.”
23/012 Borough and County Councillor time County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove introduced himself and gave a detailed explanation of his work as a County Councillor in promoting the interests of the CHH Parish Council. He gave a review of the Parish problems he is currently addressing and in particular Highways problems. Once again he reminded the Parish Council of significant financial problems faced by Leicestershire County Council in the immediate and longer run.
23/013 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the 17th April 2023 The draft Minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair of the meeting.
23/014 To receive the Clerk’s report. /1 to report on grass cutting. The Clerk reported on issues that had arisen with recent visits from the contractor and the Council agreed to make this an agenda item for the next meeting.
The Clerk is to send round copies of the current contract. action Clerk
Cllr Towle asked for advice on the relative responsibilities of Councils at the three tiers – County, Borough and Parish. action Clerk /2 to report on current Play Park inspections /3 to report on current Allotment vacancies /4 to report on Notice Boards
Discussion on items /2,/3/ and /4 was referred to the next meeting in June
23/015 Matters arising from previous meetings None 23/016 To receive Parish Councillors reports None
23/017 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings /1 PC Village Hall Representatives /2 Tree Wardens None
23/018 Planning /1 23/00390/FULHH-1 Chapel Lane Hose Demolish the existing garage and rebuild new two-storey double garage No objection
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/2 23/00340/FULHH – The Cross House 37 Watsons Lane Harby Convert an existing single storey brick outhouse (currently being used as sheds) into an office / gym and a habitable annexe for the future. No objection
/3 23/00326/FULHH-Highfield Farm Hose Lane Long Clawson Single storey side extension, two-storey front extension, new roof over existing single storey side extension No objection
23/019 Correspondence received Emails: 20/4/2023 Site Visit Schedule – Shed GM Ltd 20/4/2023 Andrew Short re Community Orchard Stathern Lane Harby 30/4/2023 Andrea Leonard re exercise classes on the Leys Noted
23/020 Matters for Discussion /1 to receive the Internal Auditor’s report – 2022/23 The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s comments on the Report and the need to work through the items of concern such that the AGAR in April 2024 raises no concerns at all but that such a change was entirely feasible if approached in a systematic fashion. /2 to approve the Annual Governance Statement – 2022/23 (Annual Return Section 1) This was approved and signed by the Chair and Clerk /3 to approve the Accounting Statements – 2021/23 (Annual Return Section 2) This was approved and signed by the Chair and Clerk /4 to note the 2023 schedule for the review of Parish Council policies. The policies to be reviewed were noted: See attached Councillors also noted the Clerk’s comments on the Transparency agenda. /5 to consider possible Committees Councillors agreed that this be best left to a later date as all Councillors became more aware of the work and responsibilities of the Council.
Councillors noted the Clerk’s advice that the Council appoint representatives to organisations at the next meeting. /6 to discuss training requirements The Clerk issued “The Good Councillors guide” and advised that they get used to a few meetings before taking up training opportunities with LRALC. In addition:
/7 The meeting approved the request from Andrea Leonard for the use of Leys playing field for outdoor exercise classes.
23/021 Finance /1 A list of payments for May 2023 is attached to these Minutes.
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/2 It was agreed that at 1/5/23 a true record of the Council’s financial position:
TSB Current account £7042.34
TSB Deposit account £87365.28
/3 Reserves at 31/3/23
CCwK £387.36 Defibrillators £8505.97 Big Lottery £284.00
/4 Parish Council operating funds £85230.29
23/022 To receive items for the next agenda /1 to discuss grass cutting arrangements in the Parish /2 to discuss banking arrangements /3 to discuss Parish Council policies – Complaints, Publication Scheme, Data Protection
23/023 Date of next meeting: Monday 19th June 2023
The meeting closed at 21.10 pm
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
to note the 2023 schedule for the review of Parish Council policies. Financial Regulations Schedule of Meeting dates Standing Orders Code of Conduct Publication Scheme Budget Risk Assessment Data Protection Record of Exclusive Rights of Burial Register of Graves Reserves Complaints Grievance and Disciplinary Policy Health and Safety Contracts of Employment Records of Play equipment inspection Asset register
2023 Meeting dates:
The third Monday of the month at 7.00pm: therefore
June 19th Hose July 17th Long Clawson August 21st Harby September18th Hose October 16th Long Clawson November 20th Harby December 18th Hose
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May 2023 payments
HMRC re May payment £268.40 H Woodhouse expenses to 31/3/23 £60.89 T Brown May salary £1073.75 T Brown May Clerk expenses £79.00 Good Councillor printing costs £60.50
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