Minutes of the Meeting of the Clawson Hose and Harby Parish Council Monday 14th April 2023 7.00 pm at Long Clawson Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Helen Cheetham (Chair), Jon Heald, Jen McCulloch, Anne Dames County Councillor Bryan Lovegrove Clerk: Terry Brown Members of the Public: 3 22/131 Public Time Councillor Lovegrove led a tribute to Anne Dames for her outstanding 53 years of work as a Borough and Parish Councillor. Comments were received about the continuing and unresolved problems of access across the Village Green VG63. Cllr Cheetham asked Cllr Lovegrove whether legal advice would be available from County Council.
22/132 To receive Apologies for absence Parish Councillors Michael Dunn & Sharon Simpkin Tree Wardens Alan Semper and Hamish Forbes Jocelyn Dodd
22/133 To receive declarations of interest and consider any requests for dispensations None.
22/134 To receive reports form Borough and County Councillors County Cllr Bryan Lovegrove reported that the Parish Council should be hearing imminently about a successful bid for a mobile Vehicle Activated Sign.
He had been working recently with Alicia Kearnes MP to address problems caused by the misuse of green lanes by 4 wheel vehicles. Once again he reminded the Parish Council of significant financial problems faced by Leicestershire County Council in the immediate and longer run.
22/135 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting of the 20th March 2023
The draft Minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair of the meeting.
22/136 To receive the Clerk’s report
/1 to report on current banking arrangements The meeting noted the Clerk’s comments about the current progress of changes to the banking arrangements and the banking mandate. /2 to report on current Play Park inspections See 22/142/1 /3 to report on current Allotment vacancies The Clerk reported that all plots at Harby were now filled and work on those vacant at Long Clawson was progressing. /4 to report on current 2022-23 Internal Audit The Clerk had met with the Internal Auditor by Zoom on the 14th April and the Parish Council would soon receive the final report and in time for the May meeting and signing of the 2022-23 AGAR. /5 to report on Notice Boards The Clerk reported on the current state of repair of the Parish Council’s 7 noticeboards with the 3 found in Harby to be most in need of attention. Page 52
In addition: The Clerk advised the Parish Council for a period of caution with spending for the immediate and next few months until the progress against the Budget became clearer.
22/137 To consider matters arising from previous meetings /1 Street Lights a) S/L 39 Watkin’s Lane footpath Harby – replacement of the lantern The Clerk reported on his findings of the situation. There was no Wayleave agreement between the Parish Council and the relevant householder and therefore there was no scope for the Parish Council to insist on action to be taken.
Equally the geography of the area voided any possibility of an alternative streetlight to be installed.
b) Lamp 46 Dickmans Lane Harby This had been attended to.
c) Sandpit Lane The non-working lights had now been identified and a fix was in progress.
In addition: The Clerk had received a positive reply from the School in Long Clawson to help with parking issues in School Lane.
22/138 To receive Councillors reports /1 The meeting agreed that Cllr McCulloch should continue to seek quotes for the repainting of the bus stop in Boyes Orchard Harby. Action Cllr McCulloch
22/139 To receive and consider reports from representatives on outside bodies & meetings None
22/140 Planning /1 23/00121/FULHH & 23/00122/LBC – Rushmeade, 8 Church Lane, Long Clawson 1.5 metre extension to the side of the existing modern entrance way extension that is attached to the house. This is to be able to incorporate a utility and downstairs toilet. The height and pitch will remain the same as existing. Matching bricks will be used to blend in to existing. Current concrete tiles will be replaced with Slate as agreed in principle by the Melton Council Conservation officer on his recent site visit No objection.
/2 23/00207/FULHH – Kilvington Lodge, Melton Road, Long Clawson Extensions to house No objection.
/3 23/00238/FUL – Dovecote House, 43 East End, Long Clawson Conversion of existing garage and addition of pitched roof front porch to form separate dwelling, new garage/car port and landscaping to courtyard area.
The meeting noted comments and concerns about access at this corner and requested that a two way access point be a condition for this application.
Page 53
/4 23/00219/REM Grange Farm House, Harby Lane Hose
22/141Correspondence received
Emails: 21/3/2023 TTRO East End Long Clawson 2nd May 4 days 29/3/2023 TTRO Pasture Lane Hose 12th April 3 days 29/3/2023 Cllr Chris Evans re Dovecote Corner – LC Village Green- VG63 29/3/2023 Cllr Chris Evans re Unauthorised vehicle storage on Field – Long Clawson (Enforcement Case 22/00141/USE) 29/3/2023 Cllr Chris Evans re Planning Enforcement – Long Clawson REF: 22/00083/USE 31/3/2023 Site Visit Schedule – Shed GM Ltd 2/4/2023 Jocelyn Dodd re Harby Litter Pick 11th November 5/4/2023 Simon Shouler re Long Clawson Parochial Charities
In addition:
12/4/2023 TTRO Hecadeck Lane 36th April for 3 days 3/4/2023 Elaine Burdett re 23/00219/REM Grange Farm House 22/142 To consider matters for discussion and resolution /1 to discuss immediate actions required for Playground issues Recent PlayPark inspections had identified two action points to be addressed by the newly appointed Handyperson.
It was agreed that the current program of quarterly external inspections was superfluous and therefore should be suspended. Action Clerk
It was agreed that future action on sigificant Playground expenditure would wait for the 2023 Annual Rospa report. The Clerk would prepare for the June meeting a spreadsheet that would show trends for each item graded 1 to 25 across the Annual reports back to 2020 to more systematically identify the problems to be addressed by planned investment in the immediate and longer term. Action Clerk Page 54
Reserved Matters details (layout, scale, appearance, landscape) pursuant to conditions 1, 2 and 3 of planning approval 18/00500/OUT and application for the approval of details reserved by the following conditions
Condition 4 – external materials
Condition 5 – landscape management plan
Condition 6 – landscape scheme
Condition 8 – off site highways works
Condition 9 – construction site management plan
Condition 10 – WSI for archaeology
Condition 11 – scheme for footpaths
Condition 12 – surface water drainage scheme
Condition 13 – scheme for management of surface water during construction
Condition 14 – maintenance of sustainable surface water scheme
Condition 15 – infiltration testing
Condition 18 – landscape boundary treatment to Northern boundary The Clerk was asked to comment that the Parish Council had longstanding concerns about the potential for flooding problems from this development and the need for adequate provision to prevent such.
Also that the Parish Council had concerns about the steep roof profiles such that it possibly allowed for developments at 2.5 and 3 storeys and against the objective of the Neighbourhood Plan.
/2 to confirm arrangements for the appointment of a new Handyperson The meeting agreed the appointment of a candidate to the post for 10 hours a week with immediate effect. The meeting delegated the Clerk permission to alter the conditions of appointment from freelance to that of a Council employee if remaining insurance problems so required.
/3 to discuss a 2023 program of operations in Long Clawson cemetery Having noted the Clerk’s advice on finance in his report the meeting agreed that quotes for future work would be obtained but authorisation of any quote would be back to a future meeting. Action Cllr Cheetham & Clerk
/4 to review possible immediate maintenance requirements other than for Playgrounds See 22/142/1
/5 to review current outcome of Parish Council elections It was agreed that Co-option for the two vacancies in the Long Clawson Ward would be an agenda item at the May Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. Action Clerk
22/143 Finance /1 A list of payments for April 2023 is attached to these Minutes.
/2 It was agreed that at 31.3.23 a true record of the Council’s financial position:
TSB Current account £11339.11
TSB Deposit account £51326.20
/3 Reserves at 31/3/23
CCwK £387.36 Defibrillators £8505.97 Big Lottery £284.00
/4 Parish Council operating funds £42487.98
22/144 To receive items for the next meeting. None
22/145 Date of next meeting: Wednesday 10th May 2023 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The meeting closed at 20.55 pm
Signed: ______________________
Chair – Clawson, Hose and Harby Parish Council
April 2023 payments
HMRC re April payment £402.60 Npower inv IN06692123 £616.34 T Brown March salary 50% £536.92 T Brown April salary £1073.75 Mrs E Crowther final payment £399.00 T Brown March Clerk expenses £50.40 Eon inv 11776 £420.00 R Scarborough re March payment £500.00 Waterplus £6.92 LRALC re annual subs £589.39 Page 55